Lassen Dispersed Camping


Camp Review

  • I found an established dispersed campsite in the Lassen National Forest. I actually tried to get to the same site I had used last year, but there was a tree blocking the trail to it.

  • This campsite was smaller than last year’s site, but was still more than large enough for us. There were two level spots, which I used for the dining table and the outhouse.

  • There was 3 bars of LTE on Verizon, which was useful.

What I Learned

  • The girls and I differ on what we look for in a campsite. It took a bit of time to convince Kaylee to give up on her first choice (a campsite near the forest trail entrance that had a neighbor near by) and keep driving on the dirt road to find a site where we can have everything to ourselves. Gone are the days where they would just listen to what I thought was best!

  • I setup a bathroom tent for the girls and they appreciated that. I think took away much of the anxiety they had about going to the bathroom.

  • It’s been almost a full year since I used the refrigerator and it’s just the best. The drinks were cold and the food was at the perfect temperature for longterm storage.


What Happened?

The girls and I took a relaxed start to this trip which meant that there was 40 minutes of additional traffic time compared to an early morning start, but I got two additional hours of sleep, so it was definitely worth it. After a long drive (with short breaks for lunch, grocery shopping, and gassing up the car), we got to Lassen and enjoyed a short hike.

After the hike, we drove back through the southern entrance gate to Lassen National Park and found a camping spot close to where I camped alone last year. After a bit of driving (a mile or so), we found a good enough spot for us and settled in. The girls rested while I cooked bacon and the chow mein leftovers from Panda Express. We then ate all of that for dinner as a lettuce wrap—pretty darn good for an improvised dinner. All with the only sounds being the creek running near by and some wonderful sounding birds telling us their life story.

We then cleaned up, washed up, and settled into bed. The night was quiet and we woke up as the bright morning light fused life into us.

After a quick breakfast of instant udon noodles, we headed back into Lassen National Park!


[Lassen NP] Summit Lake to Cluster and Twin Lakes Loop


Tuttle Creek Campground