Sequoia RV Park


The girls wanted to go to Kings Canyon National Park to earn more Junior Ranger badges, and I wanted to go hiking in the mountains, so this RV park was the perfect location for our plans.

I had camped at this location before, so I knew that this was a place that the girls would love, and I was not wrong. They loved the huge size of each campsite and how quiet the RV park was.

I actually had to do a work presentation the day after we arrived. I found that the wifi signal was the strongest and most reliable in the registration building where they had a “conference room” that anyone could use. But I found the wifi signal to be unreliable the night before on my work laptop. Miraculously, in the morning, the connection was stable and the presentation went off without a hitch (although the 90 seconds it took to connect to the zoom meeting gave me cold sweats).

After the presentation, I took the girls to a local animal rescue of sorts, called Project Survival: Cat Haven. It’s a cat rescue organization that runs a cat zoo, and since my girls are crazy about cats, it was a match made in heaven. The quarter mile tour took 90 minutes and we saw all sorts of cats, from tigers, snow leopards, jaguars, cougars, cheetahs, caracals, bobcats, and more!

We then drove into Kings Canyon National Park, which only took 30 minutes. They earned their Junior Ranger badge at the General Grant Tree Trail. The day after, we hiked a part of the Little Baldy trail.

This was one of those trips that the girls and I will remember for a long, long time, and its a place the girls want to come back to. Next time, when COVID is all over, they want to come back and enjoy a breakfast session with the cats. Hopefully, I will be able to make that happen.

What I Learned:

  • The full bar wifi signal is deceptive and is unreliable unless you’re in the reception building.

  • The two bars of LTE signal offered by T-Mobile in this area is not terribly reliable either. With a signal booster, the cell signal worked okay.

  • The girls had foil packets for the first time, and really enjoyed the meal. Also, they’ve never really been huge fans of campfires, but this time, they liked it.

  • Our site was right next to highway 180, but it didn’t bother us too much, since there wasn’t much traffic.

  • The flowers were blooming at around 3000-4000 ft in the mountains. The mountains had a green-purple look to them, while the road-side was covered in a blanket of orange.

  • I thought three nights might be a bit too much for the girls, but it was actually a fine amount. They said that they would’ve liked to stay longer.

  • The shower was nice and hot at the reception building.


Camp Review:

  • You can see what I thought of it the first time I came here.

  • I thought if I took the spot next to the reception building, I could get reliable WiFi signal in the trailer, but I was wrong. The signal just isn’t strong enough to penetrate the aluminum siding of the trailer.

  • The shower temperature was nice and hot during this stay. I think it’s because the ground water was much warmer this time around.


Manresa State Beach


Carrizo Plains National Monument - West