Joshua Tree—Intersection Boulder

Climb Review

  • As this is Joshua Tree, the rock was a sticky granite, which felt amazing.

  • The boulder is located at the Intersection Rock parking lot, so we were able to easily get back to the car to get additional clothing (it was cold).

  • There is a little bit of trash around the cars, but none at the boulder.

Intersection Mantle (VB; Intersection Boulder)—This was a fun 5.9 problem that had two moves. It is upper body strength dependent, but I wasn’t too tired, so I was able to send it. For me, the crux was sticking my right and left feet to the rock for the first move.

Intersection Boulder, Left (V0; Intersection Boulder)—At first, this route seemed impossible, but after one or two tries, the first three or four moves became automatic. The next move, however, confounded me as the feet were just too small and I kept slipping off. After seeing the walk-off required, I gave up; though I’d like to come back with rope as the route itself was really slabby and fun.

What I Learned

  • Louie sent Intersection Boulder, Left, but got stuck at the top, as the downclimb that was required looked sketchy as F. So I chimneyed up Intersection Boulder and made myself into the best holds that I could. They were able to use my shoulders and other body parts as holds to downclimb safely. After seeing what they went through, I decided to not continue trying the route as the downclimb was too sketchy for my comfort level.


Cassie and Louie came along. It was Cassie’s first time bouldering outdoors. She was a bit tired from the rock climbing earlier in the day but still learned how to chimney (which she found terrifying). Louie sent the Intersection Mantle as well as Intersection Boulder, Left.

What Happened?


We arrived a full hour before sunset, but with the winds picking up and the boulder being in full shade, it got cold fast. We put on more layers and started messing around with the routes—it was just so fun.

Though, with temperatures dropping further and our fingers feeling spicy, we headed back to our campsite soon after Louie sent Intersection Boulder.


Joshua Tree—Trashcan Rock


Joshua Tree—Bear Island