Vent 5

Climb Review

  • It was my first time at Vent 5 and I found the place to be pretty magical (in terms of rock and route quality). Having said that, there are a lot of flies and it can be pretty cold, even on a warm day.

  • Getting down to Vent 5 requires a half-mile hike with about 400 ft of elevation gain. Also, the trail is loose in many parts, making hiking tricky for some.

  • I think the rock is schist—it had really interesting textures.

  • The routes were well bolted and I felt safe the entire time—a great place for new climbers.

  • This crag is incredibly popular and it was good to get there early to grab a parking spot.

Kind (5.6; Vent #5)—I led this route and it was a good psychological warm-up for the rest of the day. The route had great holds all over the place and felt easier than a 5.6.

Poozer (5.6; Vent #5)—This route is to the right of Kind and does not feel much different—great holds, feels easier than 5.6 and is a tiny bit longer than Kind.

Skritz (5.8; Vent #5)—The climb starts with a fun bouldery move, then eases up on the throttle just as it gets fun. Still, since it’s only 30 feet long, it’s fun to jump on real quick and experience that first move.

Shrink (5.7; Vent #5)—This one looked intimidating but was honestly much easier than a 5.7. Still, the start was pretty fun and I would recommend jumping on!

Friendly (5.10a; Vent #5)—This was the first real vertical route of the day and it was super interesting due to the prominent finger pockets that must be used to climb up. As I climbed up, I veered left as it had more chalk marks, but a few people in our group went right near the top. Really fun and I think it’ll be good for me to lead this one in the future.

Solla Sollew (5.10b; Vent #5)—I was having such a blast with this route until another climber on Bolly Boo Ball came over to my fall zone and I let go to let her pass. I thought she was climbing the correct path, so I apologized, and then I tried to go further right after I got back on the rock. I eventually found my way, but I didn’t have the experience I wanted. I think it’ll be fun to lead this one in the future.

What I Learned

  • Out of all the outdoor climbing meets I have ever organized, I’m not sure I climbed this many routes in such a short amount of time. I’m grateful for the experienced climbers who came on this day to help set routes, belay others, and help.

  • On Solla Sollew, I think I should have spoken up and informed the climber that she was off-route. It would have been safer for them as then they would not have climbed below me. I probably just need more confidence and not trust that others know better.

  • Steven, an experienced climber who came, shared some tips for improving my climbing. He said that I should focus on reaching as high as I can with my hands (be more on my tippy toes), try to use high feet all the time, and make my body look like a triangle.

Thanks to Cassie for the eight photos above!


As for friends, familiar faces showed up, such as Cassie, Gary, Mighty, Juan, and Elinor. There were new folks too, such as Dennis, Steven, and Ksenija. It was a great crowd of people with people who were new/experienced, quiet/chatty, etc—what we had in common was a chill and welcoming vibe. Everyone who came seemed to have a great time.

What Happened?


I had attempted to host an event at Vent 5 last year but had to move it due to it conflicting with the Dipsea race event and fears that parking would be full or closed off due to it. This year, the coast was clear.

Cassie and I picked up Steven on the way up to Vent 5. Due to a lack of traffic and Steven being promptly ready, we got there with 20 minutes to spare. As we sat waiting for others, I got a message from Elinor telling us that she was there in the parking lot just waiting for us. We looked around confused as there were no other cars! We figured out what had happened and Elinor joined us in just a few minutes while others (Dennis, Mighty, and Ksenjia) joined us. We all then hiked down together to Vent 5.

At Vent 5, Steven and I led our respective routes to set up TRs for everyone else. After that, we all just climbed. I thought the energy we had was one where we had fun and were supportive of one another—the perfect energy for a great climbing day. After an hour or so, Juan joined us and it was nice to see another friendly face.

A little past 12:30 PM, Cassie and I had to go and just about everyone decided to call it a day too. We hiked back to the car together, thanked each other, and went our separate ways.

Cassie, Steven, and I stopped by my favorite burger joint—Amy’s Drive Thru—and I found out that they had a new crispy chicken burger on the menu. I tried it and it instantly became my favorite burger ever! It was so crispy and yummy!


Roadside Rock


Roadside Rock