William Lewis Manly Park

Climb Review

  • At this park on Communication Hill, there is a children’s playground with an artificial bouldering wall that is about 90’ long and 9’ high. We climbed all over the wall and found it to have easy holds all over.

  • Cedar Tree (VB; Left Wall)—Super easy, jug holds, just gotta step up and reach.

  • The Cave (V0; Left Wall)—This was rated a V2+ on mountainproject.com, but I disagree. I did a few variations to see if I could find a V2+ one, but I thought it was barely a V0. I think the person who reported this place was using indoor ratings, in which case the V2 makes sense.

  • Waterfall (VB; Right Wall)—This is the best place to down climb once topping out on any of the routes. Nice and easy.

  • Ultraverse: An Ultra Traverse (V0; Right Wall)—So I thought this was decently difficult, especially where you can’t see the feet due to the angle of the rock. I sent it, but only in 3 different parts. I think I’ll try to send it all together the next time I come here.

What I Learned

  • I didn’t know artificial rock could feel good on my hands. I still prefer real rock, but not bad for an artificial wall!

What Happened?


A week or so ago, I saw that there was a new entry for an outdoor climb in San Jose. Reading the description, I thought it’d be a perfect place to explore with my kids, so we came around sunset to send some routes. The kids actually had a fun time bouldering and the easy holds gave the girls confidence to actually top out on the routes. I found the place to be pretty nice, though I doubt I’d come back by myself. Still, I’m grateful that I found this place, and maybe the easier holds will get my girls more into bouldering.


Castle Rock State Park—Waterfall Cliff


Cragmont Rock Park