Los Gatos Creek Trail
Trail Review
I feel about the same as when I rode this trail last year as I tested out my drive system.
What I Learned
I tried out these wind blockers that I got for my helmet and it works like a dream. While I look a little goofy, there is so much less noise that it’s totally worth it. On top of that, I’ve also found that my ears are warmer since there is less wind going across them!
It was my first time eating a full meal in the middle of my ride, but I found that it didn’t impede me at all. I felt great after lunch!
I rode this trail with Harmon and Mike. Initially, I was going to ride this trail with Harmon as he didn’t have school and it had been a while since I had spent time with him doing fun stuff. But Mike was free, so he joined us and made the trip that much more fun.
What Happened?
24.8 miles, 2 hr 56 min, 343 ft of ascent
Initially, I was going to take Harmon shooting on BLM land this week, but they still have fire restrictions and so we had to scrap our target shooting plans. So instead, I offered to take Harmon biking since I thought Mike and Andi would be working on Wednesday and we’d figure out a different time when I can take him shooting (which is his birthday present). The day before, Mike asked us if he could join since he was free and our little bike gang for the day grew by 50%.
We met up on a side street where the Los Gatos Creek Trail starts and we biked slowly and steadily towards Los Gatos. Harmon biked really well and we were in Los Gatos in no time.
We had lunch at Mr. Pickle’s Sandwich shop where I had a delicious tuna sandwich, Mike had the Macho sandwich, and Harmon had a turkey sandwich. We chatted for a bit and caught up before we starting heading back down. I feel like we almost doubled our average moving speed on the way back as there was more downhill and the fact that Harmon was keeping up well. At the car, I made more plans with the boys and biked home.