San Jose to Morgan Hill
31 miles, 2 hr 41 min, 322 ft of ascent
Route Review:
I mainly rode Santa Teresa Boulevard and that street is a joy to ride. There are either properly marked bike lanes, or the shoulder is so wide that I never felt threatened by cars.
There was zero shade during the ride.
The views in Morgan Hill was rather pretty. In San Jose... not so much.
What I Learned:
It was interesting to see both Apple and Google Maps avoid Monterey Road. I had assumed that since the business I was biking from/to was on Monterey Road, it would take me on there, but it did not. I wonder why?
The bike’s drive train is kind of driving me crazy. The inability to switch to the third gear from second (I have to go up to four, then drop down to three), as well as its sluggishness is just making the biking experience not very fun.
I had to stop by the hospital to pick up something and the lack of easily visible places to park and lock the bike was just disappointing.
My right knee gave me a little bit of an issue in the morning half of the ride, but by the afternoon, it was all gone. Maybe my legs are back to full strength?
I rode 31 miles and the day after I barely felt fatigue in my legs. I’m definitely way more fit then I was last year.
Media Consumed:
Big Sur—finished!
What Happened?
I had to drop my car off at a repair shop, so I used my bike to get home and later, to pick up the car when it was ready. I chose the Santa Teresa route because happened to be the fastest, and it turned out to be a really awesome rode to bike on.
Unexpectedly, the 31 miles kinda came and went without much drama, so there just isn’t much to write about.