Badwater Salt Flats
Hike Review:
After driving to the Devil’s Golf Course and getting a taste of the salt flats, we drove to the Badwater Salt Flats.
We hiked the Badwater Salt Flats trail to the expansive salt flats. It was an out-and-back type of trail.
The trail started off as a smooth salt path that turned into bumpy, then really bumpy salt/hardened-mud trail.
There were a ton of people on this trail. We had to park about a quarter mile from the trailhead.
The views were flat out amazing.
The restrooms were smelly from the outside, but not from the inside. Surprise!
What I Learned:
I thought the salt flats would be totally dry, but it wasn’t. Which meant that when I got up from sitting on the salt flats, my butt had salt water stains.
Interestingly, there were lots of French people at the salt flats, with the next non-english being Japanese.
I hiked this trail with Jo.
What Happened?
1.9 miles, 50 mins, 23 ft of ascent
I wasn’t sure if I would enjoy the salt flats, but on the way out from Devil’s Golf Course, I turned right instead of left, and we ended up at the Badwater Salt Flats.
The walk was a straight forward one and at the end point, we enjoyed the views that the salt flats provided, as well as tasting a bit of salt (this might have been just me) that looked unspoiled by someone’s feet.
We then walked back to the trailhead and headed off to drive Artist’s Palette.