Fossil Falls

Fossil Falls.jpeg

Fossil Falls was a convenient stop on my drive from Trona Pinnacles to Alabama Hills, so I stopped by for a quick hike.

The distance from the trailhead to the falls is only a quarter mile, so it made for a quick, no-drama walk. The sign I read stated that these rocks were volcanic rocks that were shaped by the melting glacial water.

I climbed around a bit, but after about 15 minutes, I walked back to the car and drove towards something a little more interesting.

What I Learned:

  • When something is called “Falls” on the map, it doesn’t necessarily mean that there will be water there.

.64 miles, 36 min, 0 ft of ascent

.64 miles, 36 min, 0 ft of ascent

Hike Review:

  • There are no fossils that I could see. Or waterfalls. Total disappointment.

  • If Fossil Falls wasn’t so close to the highway, I’d say that it’s a place that can be skipped, but it’s so damn close, that it’s worth stopping by for at least a picture. Also, if there aren’t that many people, you can scamper up/down rocks without much equipment.

  • If you have rock climbing equipment, I’m pretty sure that this place would be a lot more fun.


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