Fremont Older Open Space Preserve
Hike Review:
I previously hiked this preserve here.
This time, I hiked the Cora Older Trail, Seven Springs Loop Trail, Hayfield Trail, Toyon Trail, Bay View Trail, Coyote Ridge Trail, then back to the trail head via Hayfield Trail.
Seven Springs Loop Trail was the highlight of the entire hike, as the single track trail was pretty with lots of greens and shade. There were a few cyclists, but they were moving slow enough where I didn’t think it was dangerous.
The other trails were mostly fire roads that did not have shade—they were not very fun.
The small parking lot at the trail head was full with a few cars waiting for the next open spot, so I parked about a quarter mile up the road.
The bathroom at the trailhead was old, but clean.
Media Consumed
Tender is the Night
What Happened?
5.2 miles, 1 hr 40 mins, 865 ft of ascent
I got to the trailhead without really thinking about what trails I would walk, but because of my affinity for loops, I decided to walk the Seven Springs Loop Trail to Hunters Point. The weather was just perfect for hiking, and I had a great time hiking. The views afforded all along Seven Springs Loop Trail made it really easy to keep to my ideal pace of 3 mph.
On the way back from Hunters Point, I decided to tack on some additional hiking, so I headed towards Maisie’s Peak. But, I ran out of water, so instead of making it all the way to Maisie’s Peak, I hiked a short loop instead. This part of the trail had so much fresh horse manure that I found it the worst part of the hike. I’m not sure if I mentioned that I hate horses, and this is the main reason why.