Lassen Peak

Hike Review:

  • The Lassen Peak Trail is a tiring trail, but one that pays off with amazing views at the end.

  • The trail was free of snow except in three short places—two on the corners of switchbacks and one near the peak. No extra gear was needed.

  • The rest of the trail was hard packed dirt that felt great to hike on.

  • There was almost no shade the entire way.

  • The trail wasn’t too busy, but then again, I went on a Wednesday morning.

What I Learned:

  • I felt sluggish and was disappointed at how tired I was during the entire way up. This was inspite of the fact that I ate about 600 calories of food while hiking on the trail.I did eat only about 700 calories worth of food for dinner. Perhaps I would have performed better if I had eaten more at dinner the previous day?

Media Consumed:

  • Age of Consent—finished!

What Happened?

5.1 miles, 2 hrs 35 mins, 2033 ft of ascent

I woke up at a leisurely pace, which meant that I got to the trailhead at about 8:30am. I started hiking and after a mile, I felt a bit tired, but I just kept at it. The views were very pretty, so taking photos distracted me from the strenuous climb (as well as the fun audiobook).

When I got to the top, I enjoyed the sites for a bit, but there were a lot of people there and I just wanted to come down so that I could get to the visitor center by noon for lunch.

I did feel that I hiked faster than most people. I don’t think I got passed once, while passing at least a dozen folks. Still, I hiked slower than I’d liked, given how little weight I was carrying.


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