Mount Caroline Livermore

Hike Review

  • The night hike from the East Bay campsite 3 to the top of Mount Caroline Livermore was about 1.5 miles.

  • We took the southern route and it was pretty nicely protected from the fog and the wind for the most part. The grade was pretty gentle too.

  • The majority of the trail was a packed dirt, single-track trail. There was a half-mile stretch where it was an unmaintained (but in decent condition) paved road.

  • There were lots of what looked like dog poop on the trail, though it might have been coyotes since I think only service dogs are allowed on Angel Island.

  • At the top, we took lots of photos and enjoyed the beautiful city lights. It did get cold, however, since there was a good amount of wind which brought in the wet fog.


We wouldn’t have hiked if it wasn’t for Gene giving us the heads up that the view from the top was worth the short hike. Because we started the hike after the round of Monopoly Deal was over, Gene was actually on the way down. When I called to tell him that we were starting to hike up, he went back to the top and met us there. What a super wonderful guy!

What Happened?

2.8 miles, 1 hr 41 mins, 609 ft of ascent

We hiked to the top of Mount Caroline Livermore after learning from Gene that the view from the top was beautiful. Although the girls were a bit scared of hiking at night (this was their first night hike), they soon got used to the bugs on the ground as well as the sounds of the night. They felt especially better, once we met up with Gene, as the conversations were lively and thought of anything else took effort. All of us noticed how much easier this hike was compared to the hike to the campsite as we were unencumbered and it was much, much cooler.

When we got to the top, the clear 360 view was everything we could have asked for and then some. We noticed the pretty lights coming from Berkeley, Oakland, San Francisco, Sausalito, Tiburon, and Richmond. We noticed the Ferris wheel that seemed to be operating at Fisherman’s Wharf (and made plans to go there). We noticed all the stars that surrounded us.

After taking lots of smiling and silly pictures, we hiked down to the campsite with ease. We were all so glad that Gene told us about this hike!


Mossbrae Falls


Mt. Madonna Archery Range