Santa Rosa Open Space

Hike Review:

  • Santa Rosa Open Space borders both Belgatos Park and Heintz Open Space. I wanted a short hike with something new near my house, so Santa Rosa it was.

  • There wasn’t too many spots for parking near the trailhead, but I went during lunch time, so there were plenty of spots.

  • The Santa Rosa trail starts off bordering a private residence, but it dives into a forest, with expansive views of San Jose.

  • The trails were clean and well-kept. It wasn’t even too muddy, although it had been a wet winter.

What I Learned

  • My troublesome knee only hurts with lateral pressure—I can hike without worries.

Media Consumed

  • Cultish

What Happened?

2.4 miles, 54 mins, 594 ft of ascent

I had hurt my knee learning how to ski, and so, wanted to test it out to see how it’d do with hiking. I had previously been to Belgatos Park and Heintz Open Space, but headed over to Santa Rosa Open Space anyways, since it was close and I didn’t have much time during a work day.

The hike ended up making me feel confident about my knee, and I ended up hiking a longer distance than I had originally thought. I was originally planning on hiking 1/2 the distance that I ended up hiking, but I felt so good, I just kept going.


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