Big Pine Lakes Trailhead


Camp Review:

  • I parked at the overnight parking lot where there were at least four other overnight campers in the parking lot.

  • The lot was flat, leveled, and paved, which was perfect.

  • One of the neighbors were talkative, but it wasn’t too bad. They quieted down after 10:30pm, so I was able to fall asleep after that.

  • The vault bathrooms were very clean, and the cold ensured that it wasn’t too smelly.

What I Learned:

  • I forgot to double check the amount of charge I had on my camper battery, which meant that I didn’t get a chance to try out my heated blanket. It’d been nice since it was right around freezing at night (thankfully, I had enough blankets stashed to be completely warm).


What Happened?

I arrived past sunset and found a parking space for the night, as I planned to start hiking before sunrise the next day. The clean bathroom and the level parking space was a nice surprise and I quickly went to sleep once I piled my blanket pile 4 levels deep to fend off the cold.


New Brighton State Park


Goat Meadow Trailhead and Snowplay Area