Goat Meadow Trailhead and Snowplay Area
Camp Review
I stayed here last year and it was much the same. The only difference was that there was no porta pottie. The site was used by around the same amount of people as last time I was here too.
What I Learned
While parking next to a grass field looks nice, it has 100x more bugs than the other side of the parking lot with cement and trees.
There were so many bugs in the camper that I resorted to turning on the ceiling fan and directing the bugs near it. I was successful in evicting 90+% of the bugs in the camper. There were two stubborn flies that I could not kick out, however.
Because of the rain, the backpacking tent was drenched. When we came back from camping, I gave the ground cover a nice once over w/the hose and a surprising amount of dirt was removed from it.
Sarah and Louie came camping with me and they stayed in a 3 person tent next to the truck.
What Happened?
Sarah, Louie, and I took a weekend trip to Yosemite. Given that we have nil chance of booking a campsite in the valley itself, we did the next best thing and stayed at this parking lot for two nights.
We drove in both nights at around 11pm and took off in the morning. It was a surprise that we got lots of rain on the second night, when the vanguard of Hurricane Hillary hit Yosemite with enough rain to discourage us from climbing.