Sawmill Walk-in Campground


Camp Review:

  • The camp was closed, but I used the parking lot to sleep from 11pm to 5am. The bathrooms and the trash cans were all locked.

  • There was no one else in the parking lot.

  • The views were limited, but pretty.


What Happened?

I got to the camp at 11pm and found the parking lot open, but the camp itself closed. I didn’t think anyone would mind me sleeping in the parking lot, so I quickly setup camp, brushed my teeth, and went to bed. I had trouble sleeping (with hindsight, I’m pretty sure it’s due to my body not being acclimated to altitude). The next morning, I got up at 4:30am, had left over pizza (and realized that the dumpster was locked shut), and headed off to the Saddlebag Lake Trailhead.


Eldorado Dispersed Camping


Slate Creek Trail Camp