Roadside Rock

Climb Review

Daddy’s Midlife Crisis (5.8; Roadside Rock)—I top-roped this route and it was as easy as I remembered. Actually, I always find this route easier than BMW. Probably because I always climb this one second, after I get used to the feel of the rock on BMW.

Daddy’s BMW (5.7; Roadside Rock)—I top-roped this route and it was as easy as I remembered.


Elinor joined us as she hadn’t led a route since 2023. It was her first time getting to hang out with Cassie and we all had great vibes climbing.

What Happened?


We met up with Eleanor after work and climbed Roadside as the sun slowly set over the Guadalupe Reservoir. Eleanor wanted to lead, so she led BMW while I belayed her. I was surprised by how mentally strong Eleanor was, as I think I would struggle with the mental aspect of leading if I hadn’t led in more than half a year. Eleanor, on the other hand, made it up the route almost as fast as if she was top-roping this route.

After Eleanor set the anchor, I climbed two routes, Cassie climbed one, and Eleanor climbed one last one where she also cleaned the anchor. She narrated everything she was doing while cleaning the anchor and getting ready for rappel so that I could double-check her work from the ground. Cassie was especially impressed with how cool Eleanor looked while rappelling and I promised Cassie that I’d teach her.

We then said our goodbyes, especially to Rocky, and headed back home for a late dinner.


Indian Joe Caves


Happy Boulders