Almaden Loop
Trail Review:
I biked a loop by riding the Los Alamitos Creek Trail, neighborhood roads, and Meridian Avenue.
Los Alamitos Creek Trail is one that I have cycled countless time, but I hadn’t biked it in the morning on a weekday before. What I noticed is that almost everyone on the trail seemed to be of people in their retirement age.
The rest of the ride was either through neighborhood roads or on Meridian Avenue, which has a wide bike lane (except for one block where the bike lane disappears). It’s not a great experience riding besides cars that scream past you, but it’s better than not exercising.
There was very little shade throughout, and the most peaceful part of riding was probably near the neighborhood roads that had neither car or people visible.
Media Consumed:
Kafka on the Shore
What Happened?
14.5 miles, 1 hr 11 mins, 220 ft of ascent
I wanted to get in a quick workout and so, I rode around the Almaden neighborhood, which is much quieter than my own. I was tempted to increase the difficulty by riding through Almaden Quicksilver County Park, but I realized that if I wanted to ride that, I should have rode this path in a counter clock wise direction, as I’d rather have a steeper decent than ascent. Maybe I’ll try this out next time I’m itching for a short bike ride.