Los Alamitos Creek Trail
Trail Review:
I’ve been on this trail dozens of times, and I wrote about it before.
As usual, the trail was a little crowded, but clean.
The exercise stations were also fun for the kids to call out and interact with.
Friends Made:
We went biking with the Saito and the Prives families. There were six girls in total, and they all had a great time cycling. The adults also got to catch up and share snacks.
What Happened?
~4 miles, 2 hrs, 100 ft of ascent
We met up with the Saitos and the Prives’ at the Almaden Lake Regional Park and started cycling on Los Alamitos Creek Trail. Four of the girls primarily rode with me and the Prives at the front, while two of the girls kept to the back with the Saitos. We rode to Greystone Park, where the girls played for a half hour or so. We then headed back to our parked cars.
During the rides, it was fun to teach the girls trail etiquette, such as how to pass (saying “on your left” and as quickly as possible) and how to pull over (all the way off the trail, and under shade if possible). By the end, they were very confident on the trail, and seeing that brought a smile or two to my face.