Patterson and Altamont Pass
REI Fleece Liner Gloves—I almost forgot these gloves, but I was so happy that I remembered them. When I started biking, it was about 40 degrees, which meant that with the windchill, it was much lower, and my hands would have frozen solid. Actually, even with the gloves, I found my hands a bit cold for comfort, until the ambient temperature went around 50 degrees (and I had climbed a dozen hundred feet).
Route Review:
I started at 9am on a Sunday, so Patterson Pass Road was very deserted. I did not see many bikers nor drivers. The ascent to the top of Patterson Pass was challenging for me, but I huffed and puffed my way up. Then I got really cold going down the east side of the pass. I then crossed over to Altamont Pass Road via Midway Road, which was unremarkable.
Altamont Pass Road was much easier than Patterson Pass Road, but I did not enjoy riding it as much, as there was a lot of cars driving by. On the plus side, there was plenty of room for a cycle off the road, so the cars weren’t threatening. Just interrupted the quiet is all.
I then got on to Carroll Road, which was steep as certain parts of Patterson Pass Road. It had not much vehicular traffic, especially when it turned into Flynn Road. Flynn Road was my favorite part of the entire ride, as it cut itself through a wind farm, and it was really cool to see these turbines in action (closer up than usual).
I parked at William Payne Sports Park, which was perfect as it was on Patterson Pass Road, and there were plenty of parking spots.
What I Learned:
I had energy left over, so I can probably do a 3000 ft gain ride next time. Maybe Mt. Diablo? Since this ride was about 2500 ft elevation gain over 25 miles, it means that I can definitely handle the circumnavigation of Lake Tahoe (4000 ft over 75 miles). I would do that next, but it’s a bit too cold for me right now.
I brought 1.75 liters of water, and I ended up drinking about 1.25 liters. I brought 2 packs of Pocky sticks, and they worked out really well.
Fears Overcome
Riding on a single lane road—I was worried that I would feel terrified by sharing a tight road (like on Patterson Pass Road) with cars, but actually, I did not get scared one bit. Every single car gave me plenty of room and I felt grateful for all the drivers I shared the road with today.
Media Consumed:
Man’s Search for Meaning—finished!
Sputnik Sweetheart
What Happened?
27.8 miles, 3 hr 37 min, 2336 ft of ascent
I heard from various sources that the best time to cycle on roads was on Sunday mornings, as there are lots of people going to church or watching football, so I decided to attempt this ride on a Sunday. I had also never gained more than 2000 ft of elevation in a single ride, so I chose this ride, since I was familiar with Patterson Pass Road and Altamont Pass Road, which helped me visualize the ride before getting there, which always helps calm the nerves.
I started out cold, but by the time I got to Patterson Pass, I had shed my synthetic insulation jacket, and opted for a wind breaker. I was a little chilly going down hill on Patterson Pass Road, but it wasn’t too bad.
Once I got to Altamont Pass Road, even though it was only about 50 degrees, I got hot enough to shed the wind breaker and just ride in my base layer.
I felt great and cruising, but when I got to Carroll Road, it really kicked my butt. Still, I made to to Flynn Road, and once I was past the apex, I road down the hill pretty quickly, and even touched 30 mph.
I then found myself back on Patterson Pass Road, and comfortably rode back to William Payne Sports Park.