Almaden Quicksilver - Hacienda Trail
I had tried to hike this trail—a few weeks back—but had to turn around as the girls got tired. So I came back alone after a full workday.
I hiked this trail in a fast and efficient manner. The trails were wide and well maintained, with plenty of shade, especially in the late afternoon. It being in Almaden, there were more people on the trail than I would have liked, but people were nice to let me pass, so it wasn’t all that bad.
What I Learned:
There was a woman struggling up the steep hills within the first 1/2 mile of this trail, and she seemed to really appreciate the words of encouragement I sent her way. It made me happy for the rest of the hike.
2.8 miles, 58 min, 600 ft of ascent
Hike Review:
Almaden Quicksilver is a gem of a park. Just about every trail is well maintained, clean, and has beautiful views to boot. This trail was no exception.