Calero County Park

Hike Review:

  • I hiked the Los Cerritos Trail, Oak Cove Trail, Serpentine Loop, and the Figueroa Trail.

  • I hiked this trail a month ago and I wrote about it here. The trails I hiked were similar—all were double track trails that had turned to mud due to the rains and there wasn’t much tree cover.

Media Consumed

  • A Burning—finished!

What Happened?

8.8 miles, 3 hrs 15 mins, 1044 ft of ascent

I needed a long walk for multiple reasons, and I got it at Calero County Park. I hadn’t walked a substantial hike in more than a month, and I felt it, with my right hip flaring in a dull pain half way through the hike. But like my headache that I had when I started, both faded away in the last quarter stretch of the hike as endorphins kicked in to ease the pain.


McBride Springs


Panoche Hills—Rabbit Hunting