Kelso Dunes
Hike Review:
I started from the Kelso camping area and attempted to hike to the top of Kelso Dunes.
It was very windy (10mph) and since I was walking into it, it made me hike even slower.
There was no trash, and the sands were very clean. Even the campgrounds were very clean.
There was a surprising amount of small hills, which led to the hike being very up and down.
What I Learned:
It’s really tiring to hike on fine sands. I’d rather hike uphill than to hike in fine sand. Although I hiked at a decent clip (2mph), it was tiring, and I barely gained elevation.
What Happened?
1.4 miles, 46 min, 291 ft of ascent
I got to the campgrounds a bit too late to hike to the top of Kelso Dunes, but I thought I’d just hike towards it and turn around when the sun went down. I ended up hiking a little over a mile in in 1/2 an hour. I stopped frequently as it was just so beautiful and I took hundreds of pictures.