Rancho Cañada del Oro Open Space Preserve

Hike Review:

  • The parking lot is small, but there is overflow parking in a separate lot.

  • There is a bathroom at the parking lot, though I didn’t see any trash bins.

  • I did not have reception at the trailhead, but I did have strong 5G signal on Verizon on the ridges.

  • I hiked the Mayfair Ranch Trail, Bald Peaks Trail, Catamount Trail, and the Longwall Canyon Trail.

  • The Mayfair Ranch Trail was a beautifully shaded trail with beautiful Oak trees and fields of grass at the top of the ridge. I would estimate 90% shade. The trail was wider than most single tracks, but narrower than a double track.

  • Bald Peaks Trail was a beautiful trail too. It meanders its way up to the peak, but when it does, it dumps you out to a stunning vista that lets you see all the way from downtown San Jose to Morgan Hill.

  • Catamount Trail was the an okay trail that had the misfortune of being bundled with three wonderful trails. Its a fully double track trail that’s a fire road. It’s really steep in parts and has not a lot of shade.

  • Longwall Canyon Trail is a pretty trail that takes you back to the parking lot. It’s wide, flat, and pretty. The only downside is that because it’s at the bottom of a canyon, it can get windy; which isn’t so bad, but with all the pollen, it definitely made my eyes water.

Fears Faced:

Am I strong enough to do back-to-back demanding physical days without injuring myself?—Yes I am! Not only did I hike today, but I averaged one of the fastest (if not the fastest to date) moving speeds while hiking w/significant elevation gain.

Media Consumed:

The Second Mountain

What Happened?

8.1 miles, 3 hr 3 mins, 1791 ft of ascent

I woke up with much less body pain than I was expecting. I felt a bit of a strain on my left achilles’ and a tiny bit of fatigue above my right knee. Given that I had completed one of my top goals for 2022 the day before, I was happily surprised. So, since I didn’t think a hike would hurt me further, I decided to go on a hike to somewhere close to home.

I picked Rancho Cañada del Oro believing that I had never been there before, but as I drive into the park, I realized that I had been there at least once before. The memories didn’t flood back into my head though, it was a hazy memory where I could remember one photo I took, but that was it.

I felt really good on the hike. Even though I expected myself to be tired, I wasn’t, and I felt like I was gliding through the mountain. One thing that did slow me down was that by the end of the hike, I could feel my allergies starting to affect me, which meant sneezes and watery eyes.

When I finished, I was giddy with joy, because I felt strong... and also because I had promised myself a bowl of pho if I completed this hike.


Rancho Corral de Tierra


Tennessee Valley, Muir Beach Loop