Sanborn County Park


My eldest recently found out about my blog, and while perusing old posts, she found my previous hike at Sanborn and wanted to go.

We arrived around 9:30am, and started our hike near the visitor center. We really enjoyed this hike, as it was well shaded, and the girl’s choice of shoes and trekking poles allowed them to hike the hardest trail that they’ve ever done in their lives.

They really enjoyed the forest setting of the hike and were surprised to find out that I had backpacked here. My eldest still wants to try backpacking in the total wilderness, but has asked me to book a one night camping trip here, so we’ll be back soon.

What I Learned:

  • The visitor center was closed (probably due to COVID). To be honest, I didn’t even know there would be a visitor center at a county park.

  • The nature trail on the northern part of the park had lots of interesting things to see.

  • The girls tried out trekking poles for the first time and they loved it! It was one of the first times where they didn’t need help going up or down steel inclines, as they relied on their trekking poles.

4.5 miles, 1 hr and 45 min, 580 ft of ascent

4.5 miles, 1 hr and 45 min, 580 ft of ascent

Hike Review:

  • I had walked the southern part of this trail a month ago, and my review still holds up.

  • Although we went on a warm day, the trail was nice and cool. It’s one of those trails we’ll come back to in the summer.

  • There were plenty of cars in the parking lot, but the wide (and varied amounts of trails) didn’t make the park feel very full.


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