Williams Grove

Hike Review

What I Learned

  • It is so much fun to climb large logs and trees. The feet are slippery for the most part and holds can explode off, but even with those factors, it’s good fun climbing up and down fallen logs and tall stumps!

  • Cassie and I jogged back to our cars for the sake of jogging and it was wonderful. The soft earth was so nice on our feet and the trees provided the perfect amount of shade. It was also short, so I didn’t die of overheating.

  • We took a short detour to check out the river trail and it was so interesting seeing the clear creek water mix with the silty river water. Also, seeing the transition from the dark forest to the open river was kind of like going from night to day (then back to night when we walked back into the forest).

What Happened?


After checking out the visitor center, we decided to take a short hike on the trails across the street. Soon after starting, we came across the remains of a fallen giant redwood—we climbed up and down the tree. We then came across the trunk of a tree that was cut in a way where the trunk left behind was about 10 ft tall—we climbed up and down the trunk. We then came across a live tree that had a split trunk that looked like we could climb like a chimney—we climbed up and down the chimney.

We then raced through a fallen trunk with a void in the middle (I narrowly won), then jogged back to the start of the route with a quick detour for the river. Back at the visitor center parking lot, we refilled our water bottles and headed towards Eureka!


Fern Canyon


Franklin K. Lane Grove