Highway 108 SNO Park


Camp Review:

  • I use SNO Parks to sleep overnight all year round, so when I wanted to go learning skiing at Dodge Ridge, I decided to sleep here.

  • The parking lot was 60% full with many trucks with empty trailers (for snow mobiles) taking up most of the spots. I don’t think anyone was sleeping in the parking lot though.

  • There was a bathroom at the end of the parking lot, but because of the immense amount of snow, I didn’t think the doors would open, so I didn’t even attempt to use it.

  • The site was quiet and was protected from the wind.

  • There was no “view” to be had, except for the dark skies at night, where the stars twinkled brightly.

What I Learned

  • There was a sign at the front of the parking lot that stated that there’s a 3 night max for parking.


What Happened?

I wanted to learn how to ski at Dodge Ridge, so I signed up for a morning lesson with my friend Kyle. He decided to get a hotel room near by, but I decided to car camp.

I left my house around 3:15pm, and it took me almost 4 hours to get to the town of Sonora, whereI had dinner with Kyle. I then drove up to this SNO Park at night and found a spot to park. It was already down to 20℉, so I quickly brushed my teeth and changed into my winter layers. When I got into bed, it was cold, but I ended up taking off my middle layers because it was quite warm with 4 layers of blankets on top of me. I had a pretty good night of sleeping, though I did get thirsty as my water bottle froze in the middle of the night. In the morning, it was cold—temperature was in the teens. I quickly brushed my teeth and got my clothes on, then I drove towards a cafe for hot chocolate to warm me up (unfortunately, the cafe wasn’t open. 😭


Sweetwater Spring Trailhead


BLM - Barstow Area