Fleishmann Grove

Hike Review:

  • Fleishmann Grove Trail is located across the road from the Humboldt Redwoods State Park Visitor Center.

  • The trail was clean and was fully shaded. It was also clearly defined.

  • The trail was hard packed earth covered with tiny brown leaves and branches. It led to the trail feeling firm, yet soft. Just wonderful to walk on.

What Happened?

.9 miles, 27 mins, 26 ft of ascent 

I hiked this trail on a whim as I wanted to hike one more trail before taking off my hiking shoes for good.

Although the trail is parallel to the Ave of the Giants road, road noise was minimal since there were so few cars traveling it. The walk was surprisingly quiet, with no birds or animal noises. I walked about 1/2 a mile and when Fleishmann Grove Trail did not end as I anticipated, I promptly turned around and headed back to my car.


Villa Montalvo County Park


Chandler Grove