Fremont Peak State Park



  • iPhone 12 mini—Gaia GPS’s trail map was wildly inaccurate, so I was so glad I had remembered to bring a PDF version of the park map on my phone. It was also pretty inaccurate, but at least I didn’t get lost.

Hike Review:

This was taken on the Carmen Trail. Can you spot where the trail is?

This was taken on the Carmen Trail. Can you spot where the trail is?

  • Cold Springs Trail, Tonys Trail, and Carmen Trail are overgrown, narrow trails that I would not recommend to anyone. The spiky plants lining the trail made the walk annoying (as I constantly had to take bits of plant that stuck to my socks every few feet) and especially on Tony/Carmen, the trail could be very difficult to find. It doesn’t help that Gaia GPS’s trail is wildly inaccurate.

  • Peaks Trail, however, was beautiful and well maintained. I would recommend just visiting Fremont Peak as you get all the views and the other trails in this park are just not worth it. 

  • There was some shade on the trail, but it’s mostly exposed. 

  • I only met others on the Peak Trail. 

  • The view from the top of Fremont Peak was stunning, especially at sunset. To get to the very top, there are some Class 2 scrambling, but nothing too sketchy. It looks worse than it really is.

  • I had varying degrees of T-Mobile signal almost the whole time I was hiking.

What I Learned:

  • I was disappointed at how inaccurate Gaia GPS’s trail map was. I was so convinced that it was right, that I started off the hike following what I thought was a poorly travelled trail, only to discover that I was probably following a deer or a wildlife trail.

  • There were lots of bugs on the Cold Springs and Carmen trails. So much so that on Cold Springs, I swallowed a bug :(

  • The signage at this park was disappointing and it led to not much confidence when choosing which way to go at trail intersections.

Media Consumed:

  • Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari


Friends Made:

  • Daniel from Salinas

What Happened?

3.5 miles, 2 hrs 34 mins, 893 ft of ascent

3.5 miles, 2 hrs 34 mins, 893 ft of ascent

Ever since I read East of Eden, I wanted to explore Fremont Peak. I finally made it up and decided to hike the various trails around the park before going up to the peak itself.

Due to the terrible signage and hard-to-follow trails, I didn’t enjoy the hiking experience at this park. I was pretty disappointed when I started the ascent to Fremont Peak, but found the Peak Trail to be nicely maintained with beautiful views. When I made it up to the peak itself, I was more than impressed by the spectacular views of the sunset. At the peak, I had a great conversation with the other fella that was already there (Daniel) and that made the time fly. I started down the peak before the sun actually set, as the park closes at sunset and I didn’t want to inconvenience the park ranger. 

Given how easy the Peak Trail is and how pretty the views are, I can see myself coming back to this park. Just a heads up though, the road to get up to this park (San Juan Canyon Road) is narrow, twisty, and dark at night.


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