Santa Teresa County Park - Coyote Peak Trail


I attempted to hike to Coyote Peak without much elevation gain a few weeks ago. I drove up Country View Drive, and attempted to walk to the peak. When we got to the trailhead at County View Drive, we found it to be an illegal trash dump-site with a funk-smell to accompany it. We saw a locked fence and gave up as the girls were cold —I hadn’t packed enough layers for them.

On this Saturday, we didn’t want to go to that entrance again, so we started our hike from the Pueblo Day Use Area. There were lots of people with the same idea, but it was the outdoors, and just about everyone was wearing a mask. The elevation gain was a little much for the girls, but they got to the top with minimal rest. They didn’t appreciate the view like I did, but did appreciate the various yummy snacks that I had brought.

After a ten minute break (or so), they were getting a bit chilly, so we headed back down.

What I Learned:

  • About half a mile into the hike, there’s a little pond (at least in the winter) that we heard frogs from. They would croak like crazy when you were far away, but when you’re next to the pond, they were silent as a mouse.

  • At the peak, there are benches facing all directions except for east.

2.3 miles, 1 hr 26 min, 545 ft of ascent

2.3 miles, 1 hr 26 min, 545 ft of ascent

Hike Review:

  • This is a rather popular trail, as the views from the top are worth the elevation gain. Also, it’s only a little more than a mile to hike up to the peak!

  • There is very little shade, so this trail is best done when hot weather can be avoided.

  • Trails were dusty, but in good condition. They were also wide, which was great, given how popular this trail was.


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